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300 Liberty Avenue
East New York, NY, 11207
United States

(800) 347-3494

Industrial & Commercial

We can help your facility

Whether managing an office or overseeing a manufacturing operation, you're concerned about safety. You want to be sufficiently prepared, but meeting regulations and figuring out what to stock can be a daunting task. No matter your first aid needs or your business size, we can help.

Just what you need

We offer a variety of first aid kits for both general preparedness and specific needs. If none of those suit your needs, we can work with you to build a kit as per your specifications. We can help you determine what you need, how much you need and how to meet ANSI/OSHA compliance.

Easy maintenance

Restock select kits easily with our refill packs. Individual kit components, cases & bags, eye care, burn care & other first aid supplies are also available. As always, if you don't see what you need, just let us know.

Or call us at (800) 347-3494