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300 Liberty Avenue
East New York, NY, 11207
United States

(800) 347-3494

First Aid Kit Components

Whether replenishing depleted supplies or building a first aid kit from scratch, you'll find your kit-optimized components right here. 

Our unitized kit component boxes are designed with convenience in mind. Its dimensions are optimized to fit efficiently in our kit cases and cabinets. They are color coded according to ANSI standards and are clearly marked for easy identification. We also offer both complete & specialized refill packs for many of our premade kits.

Adhesive Bandages, Flexible Fabric, Finger Tip, In Kit Unit Box, 10's


Adhesive Bandages, Flexible Fabric, Finger Tip, In Kit Unit Box, 10's

  • Non-stick pad is highly absorbent and helps to cushion wound

  • Flexible adhesive fabric stretches and conforms to body contours for effective and comfortable protection

  • Latex free

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